Peer Support is an increasingly important part of our workforce, however these roles are not well understood. In partnership with the Counties Manukau Peer Potential Governance Group we have produced a video to improve understanding of this valuable approach. During 2020 we also co-hosted a successful online symposium on 'The Power of Peer Support'. These resources are available here

The AOD Provider Collaborative is a group of passionate professionals and managers working in alcohol and other drug (AOD) services, who have come together to improve the system which supports people in alcohol and drug recovery.

Substance use disorder

12.3% of the New Zealand population will experience a substance use disorder at some stage in their lives.

Lives in Counties Manukau

11.5% of the total New Zealand population lives in Counties Manukau (approximately 512,130 people). Counties Manukau Health is the third largest DHB in New Zealand and has the fastest growing population (by 8,000-9,000 residents each year).

Counties Manukau's population is growing

Counties Manukau’s population is the youngest and most diverse in New Zealand:
– Counties Manukau has the highest number of 0 - 14 year olds of all district health boards in New Zealand.
– 12% of all New Zealand Māori, 38% of all New Zealand’s Pacific people and 18% of all New Zealand’s Asian people live here.

The AOD Provider Collaborative is supported by Odyssey and funded by Counties Manukau Health